Thursday, July 5, 2012

Anyone out there?

It's hard to tell if anyone (besides myself) ever looks at this blog.  So I'm not sure how much longer I'll maintain it.

If anyone does read it, thank you!  I'll try to keep it going longer.

The second half of June wasn't bad as far as sightings go.  Familiar ones like the Genista Broom Moth, Lucerne Moth, Spotted Beet Webworm, and the Salvia Stem-Borer Moth were seen.  The occasional Subterranean Dart and Clear Dagger Moth showed up, with some help from the black light.

New sightings include the White-Roped Glaphyria and a number of small and medium moths that are yet to be identified.  Even with some distinctive shading and patterns, they've been unusually difficult to identify.  And there have been some medium and large moths that flew away before I could see them well, and photograph them.  The largest was possibly an underwing.

It seems that the hot and harsh weather really has an effect on moths, and knocks down the numbers.

Over the next month, I will get the opportunity to visit some other parts of the country.  It will be interesting seeing new moths, in cooler and more hospitable areas...